Monday, August 18, 2008

Live Music In Second Life ™

So what’s happening with the live music scene and nightclubs in second life ™? Is continuing to be a draw? Is it popular? What’s the future for live music?

Live performances have been happening in second life for a few years now, but it’s been the past year or so that it’s become a noticeable draw. It started slowly with a few performers and has continually increased with more and more performers showing their talents in second life ™. Not only are there many performers, but the increase in performers has created an increase in live music venues as well as agencies to handle the performers and their shows. As well the price tag has increased as well. 2500L would get you a great performer for your venue a while ago, now the price tag is more like 5000 and in some cases much higher.

But what does this increase in numbers mean. Has the market become saturated? Have audiences lost interest?

One measuring stick is the number of people who attend these performances. When I first ventured out to see live artists, it was typical to average about 35 av’s in the audience, with a good night or performer drawing 40-50. It was kind of the benchmark to measure how you did as a venue owner or manager. When I started my club, Gia’s Fashion Cabaret, this was much the case. We began slowly with about 20 people as an average but in short time grew to that 35-40 mark. Yes we had a few shows that drew 50 and on a special event night, like Halloween we could expect that 50 mark to be pushed.

The past few months have show a drop in attendance. Not only at my club but grid wide. I first noticed at my club that attendance dropped substantially to about 15-20 on average and good nights pushing just over 20 av’s. I’ve been concerned and couldn’t see any cause for it as the entertainment was good, some new, some established and comments from people who attended were that they loved the place and had a great time. I ventured out to see how other clubs were doing and with the odd exception, it seemed to be the status quo. Most clubs I went to were drawing the same numbers. Yes on a rare occasion there would be 30 or so but it was very rare. I spent a fair bit of time checking out other clubs and could see no rhyme or reason for it.

Some people have suggested that the cause may be summer with less people logging in. At first I thought that made sense. However I haven’t really seen a drop in the number of people logging in. At any given time, the numbers on the welcome screen indicate 45000+ and usually close to 60,000. That has really changed since pre summer days so I don’t think it’s the cause.

Has live music hit a wall in second life ™? I tend to think this may be the case. There are so many performers in second life and is there anything really unique about them? A few yes, but most are playing to the same backing tracks, doing the same rehashed covers. I think people just get tired of hearing the same things over and over and if they do go out, it’s for other reasons, to see friends, to chat etc. Having your av standing around (okay dancing) in a club listening to a singer can be very uneventful (okay boring) and unless the performer adds something unique, people wont’ stay. Yes they get their followers and people who will always go to see them, but it’s the bulk of the others that don’t’ seem to go.

As well, a lot of the numbers are inflated. I know that a lot of the agencies that represent artists send group members to venues to help populate the club for the performance. While this may make the attendance look good, it’s not really an indication of the draw of the artist or the venue.

And what of the venues? Why do they continue? Most venues operate on the premise that they will draw people in who will make use of the other businesses or stores that they have nearby. But I don’t think this happens very often. People tp in to a show and leave after. If they are not there to shop, they won’t. And if a lot of the people are either in the performer’s group or sent by an agency, they aren’t likely to use other services there either. With the cost of hiring performers and staff, I don’t see how venues can survive for long. In fact something you see quite often is that clubs open and then close a short time later. There are only a handful of clubs that have been around for more than a year.

So what’s in the future? Well I see the live music presence dwindling somewhat. Not completely, there will always be live performances but what I see happening is that more clubs will close as they feel the costs and lack of attendance mount and with people tiring of the same old same old as far as singers go, the attendance will continue to drop. I feel you’ll see fewer venues operating on a regular basis and sticking to more popular, more experienced and somewhat unique performers. There will always be a few clubs that open and then close and always be a few new performers, but it wont’ be the norm.

Live music hit a peak during the past year in second life ™ and I think that peak has passed. As a supporter of live music, I hope to see it flourish and that venue owners and performers can make get together and make things work. It’s hard to make it in any business in second life ™ especially when faced with rl money and companies venturing in. Second life like real life faces upturns and downturns and I feel live music is on a downturn. And I didn’t even mention cover charges.

Ciao for now


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